File of Life

Emergency medical personnel arrive at the home of a senior citizen, only toFind him or her unconscious or confused.They have few facts to go on….Does the patient have any existing conditions?Are they taking medications?Do they have any allergies?The medics frantically dig through the medicine cabinet looking for medications, while precious seconds tick by.

The File of Life is a card which contains vital information and is kept on the outside of the resident’s refrigerator in a bright red magnetic pocket, readily available to EMTs when they arrive on an emergency call.The medical card lists the patient’s emergency medical contacts, health problems, medications taken, allergies, recent surgeries and more.A door decal is placed on the outside door to notify arriving EMTs.

Also be sure to fill out the compact version which can be carried in a wallet or purse.

Call 232-0807 for additional information or stop by Van Tassell House and pick up your free File of Life kit today.                  


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