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In 1934, the Town’s first zoning ordinance was adopted, solidifying the five business areas and preventing scattered commercial and high density residential development throughout the Town. From this point forward, the Town began to control land use through an orderly, equitable and ethical manner known as land use planning. Planning took root within the Town as the automobile brought weekenders from New York City into closer proximity and construction of new residential homes began at a steady rate between 1950 and 1970 and still continues today.

The Town of Somers Planning Department currently shares in the responsibility for reviewing all subdivision and site plan applications submitted to the Planning Board by property owners. The Planning Department is also responsible for maintaining and updating the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, coordinating the Town’s municipal separate storm sewer system permit activities, carrying out the Town’s State Environmental Quality Review Act obligations and undertaking a variety of other responsibilities such as management of the Town’s Geographic Information System, amending the Town Code,etc.

Contact Information

David B. Smith, Consultant Plannerdirectorofplanning@somersny.gov335 Route 202 Somers, NY 10589

more Contact Information

Nicole Montesano

Planning Board Secretary


Monday - Friday

9:00am to 4:30pm


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